FAI listing and listing update form

Data collection form for new listings and updates on www.wineglassbay.com In order for us to list your property we need the following information. It is your responsibility as a member to send us any updates or changes to your listing.
(Up to 220 characters incl spaces) Used on the page that shows all members properties
Business Type
Payment methods Accepted
(up to 1000 characters incl spaces)
Check in time
Check out time
Facilities (as list)
Activities (as list)


Send images to FAI via a Dropbox, Google drive or icloud link or email to admin@wineglassbay.com. Each listing can have up to 6 images (with 1 nominated as featured image) The images MUST be in 3:2 ratio (The image must be 1200px wide by 800px high).