Our organisation offers community membership and business membership.

Below is information and enrolment forms on each type of membership, for further information contact us Via email.

Community Membership

Join Community Membership Form

The Freycinet Association welcomes new Community Members as we are all part of this wonderful Freycinet community.


  • Opportunities to exchange views and share your concerns at meetings in relation to community matters;
  • Emailed minutes and agendas to ensure that you know what is happening even if you can’t be at a meeting in person;
  • Email updates on community activities on Freycinet;
  • Lobbying concerning local issues of concern to the community;
  • Being part of a pro-active group who are interested in the future of our town;
  • A vote at AGM & General Meetings.

Business membership

Business Membership Rental Property

FAI Business Membership Application Things to See & Do on the Freycinet Coast

Freycinet association incorporated membership indemnity, declaration and ethical guidelines form

FAI listing and listing update form

The Freycinet Association welcomes new business members. Business members must first become community members, as we are all part of this wonderful community, and then can take up business membership. 


  • A page on the famous “wineglass bay.com” website which can include links to your own website boasting over 100k hits each year;
  • A booking channel on your web page you have a link;
  • Inclusion on the Coles Bay information maps & information booth maps;
  • Inclusion on the Coles Bay handout maps;
  • Supplies of handout maps for guests to use;
  • Networking with local industry colleagues;
  • Opportunities to exchange views and share your concerns at meetings in relation to business & community matters;
  • Emailed minutes and agendas to ensure that you know what is happening even if you can’t be at a meeting in person;
  • Email updates on community and business activities in Freycinet;
  • Lobbying concerning local issues of concern to the community and operators;
  • Links with other tourism groups;
  • Being part of a pro-active group who are interested in the future of our town;
  • A vote at AGM & General Meetings.